Hay Fever Season Is In Full Swing

Do your horses have a problem with equine hay fever? Could the way you stable them make a difference?
Hay Fever Season Is In Full Swing

As lovely as it is that we now have some glorious sunshine here in the UK, it does come with some draw backs. Hay Fever being a big one. As annoying as it may be for us, have you considered your four legged friend? Horses can get hay fever the same as we do, runny noses, coughing and feeling lethargic. There are however a few ways you can help him get through the summer months.

  • Shelter - having a nice cool shelter to stand in during the hot days will help ease your horses breathing and make him more comfortable. Check out our Mobile Field Shelters or Stables for ideas
  • Hydration - keeping your horse hydrated is key to keeping on top of hay fever, ensure he always has access to plenty of fresh water. Try to place buckets or troughs away from trees and hedges to help keep him away from high pollen areas
  • Preparing your hay and feed - try soaking/spraying hay or haylage and spraying feed with herbs (such as garlic) to assist his respiratory system during feeding times. If leaving hay in the field, place this in or near the field shelter to keep it cool and help stop dust from being blown by the wind
  • Paddock management - regularly top fields to avoid pollination of resident plants and if possible, have fields sprayed to stop the growth of native flowers such as buttercups. However, be aware that any treated areas should be fenced off from horses for a least a week until rainfall

For more information on our Mobile Field Shelters or Stable Ranges, please contact the Sales Team today on 01233 611123 or enquiries@chartstables.co.uk.Nicky Hunter

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