Mobile Stables - A Hassle Free Way to Keep Dry During Winter Months

Why choose mobile stables? Quick and easy stables providing winter shelter.
Mobile Stables - A Hassle Free Way to Keep Dry During Winter Months

Now we’re well into Winter and the wet cold weather is starting to stick, it’s now more important than ever to ensure your four legged friends have somewhere dry and warm to shelter from the weather.Our Mobile Stables or Field Shelters are versatile and multi functional, allowing you to design the yard of your choice without the need for planning permission* or expensive concrete.Whether you like to stable at night and open up your Mobile Stables as Field Shelters during the day or Stable your horse as and when required, our design team can create something to suit.Below shows a perfect example of a Chart Range Mobile Stable and Field Shelter combination, allowing Stabling for the night and awful weather, or a Field Shelter for easy access during the day or Hay Storage.

Mobile Stables, Tack Rooms and Hay Stores can be placed on hard-core to create a yard feel, with or without canopies as required. This client wished to have a private yard on their land but didn’t want the hassle of planning permission due to relocating shortly. These Clipper Range Mobile Stables offered the perfect solution.

For more information on our ranges of Mobile Stables, Field Shelters or Storage units please browse our website or contact the sales team on 01233 611123

*Planning may be required in areas of outstanding natural beauty, conservation areas, national parks or under other circumstances, always check with your local planning authority before installing buildings.

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